What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese Medicine that originated over 3000 years ago. It is an effective therapy that has evolved into a complete holistic medical system. It is a natural and safe way to treat a vast spectrum of diseases, injuries & illnesses.
Does it hurt? The answer to this age old questions is, No. When most people think of needles, medical syringes come to mind. Acupuncture uses sterile, ultra fine needles that are barely, if at all felt when inserted into the skin. The majority of patients treated describe a warm, tingling, relaxing sensation. This sensation is referred to as Qi (chee). Healing and relaxation is the whole point of getting Acupuncture, so pain is counter-productive & seldom ever felt even by the most sensitive of people.
Is it safe? Yes, when practiced by a licensed acupuncturist. All needles are sterile and disposed of after every treatment.
What can I expect during my first visit? Your first visit will begin with an in-depth analysis of your condition. During assessment you may be asked questions that you might not think are connected to your chief complaint, Chinese Medicine considers the whole person, not just the symptom. Your initial treatment may take up to a 1 or 1 1/2 hours.
How many treatments will I need? This is determined by the patients health & length of time the patient has had the condition. Patients usually feel a positive change after the first treatment. After 3 - 6 treatments your acupuncturist will be able to tell you if further treatment is needed.
What other modalities do acupuncturists use? Cupping - A gentle therapy using suction cups to relieve muscle tension, alleviate febrile conditions, & purge the body from a common cold. Cupping is also excellent for relaxation, tightening sagging skin and gently breaking down body fat.
TuiNa - Similar to a massage, TuiNa is a soft tissue manipulation therapy utilizing acupuncture points without needles to treat unpleasant conditions such as but not limited to, GI distress, sinus congestion, muscle pain and headaches.
Acu-Tape - Adhesive tape is applied the injured area of the body . Exceptional for sports related injuries & inflammatory conditions. Improves circulation.
Moxabustion - A small amount of Moxa Herbs is placed either on the head of an acupuncture needle, directly on or close to skin. It has a gentle tonifying effect for the body. Moxabustion improves the immune system, circulation, sexual dysfunction and much more.
Magnet Therapy - Small magnets are applied to acupuncture points with adhesive tape to improve circulation of Qi & blood. Helps with all arthritic conditions.
Herbal Formulas - Patented formulas that are designed to prolong & improve the effects of an acupuncture treatment. In some cases herbs may be used in place of acupuncture. Negative side effects are rarely reported.
Gua Sha - Dermal (skin) therapy designed to invigorate blood flow, relieve muscle tension and febrile conditions.
Nutritional Therapy - Dietary recommendations are made based on Eastern principles to improve health & vitality for all conditions of mind and body.
Exercise Guidance - Exercise recommendations are made to help improve health, vitality and to treat injury and disease.
Ear Seed Therapy - Small "seed Like" ball bearing are affixed to Auricular (ear) acupuncture points with a small piece of adhesive tape. Prolongs the effect of an acupuncture treatment and maybe left in for up to 3 days.
Tai Shin Therapy - Gentle stimulation of acupuncture points with a blunt needle the cannot pierce the skin. Entire treatments maybe performed using this technique. Tai Shin is recommended for children and for those people with severe bleeding conditions.